Monday, June 15, 2015

The final chapter of his missionary journey.

Elder Minson Spoke in Sacrament Meeting today. He spoke on the importance of Faith and exercising that faith through Prayer, Scripture Study and Church Attendence. He bore testimony of living according to the principles of the gospel and shared stories of the faith of his investigators as they travel miles and miles to attend church. We so enjoy having him home but we miss the weekly letters and inspiring comments we received from the mission field. Here is a short video created by Ammon Wiese a dear friend and neighbor who so selflessly sacrificed his time and talents for our family. Thank you Ammon and Stacie for coming to the airport and creating this little piece of our history.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Home Coming!!!

And he Returns!!!

The Final Chapter.

As a final chapter of Elder Minson's Missionary journey, I will tell the story in pictures...

Jetro and Love married and following the marriage they were baptize. Then Elder Minson Returns Home (video Below)