Thursday, July 11, 2013

Week #3 - My District :)

July 11, 2013
Dear Family,
Man it has been a roller-coaster this week. I wish I could explain everything, but so much happens and you just can't get through everything. The devotionals here are amazing, we have one Sunday night and Tuesday Night, and they are the best things ever. We have these old, wise, and usually hilarious men come speak to us and they really bring the spirit. I've taken more notes here then I think I did my whole high school career.

So here is a quick run through of the Sisters in my district:
Sister Young- From Arizona; pretty much my older sister (drives me nuts!!) she is great!!
Sister Fitzgerald- From Washington; crazy good at looking mad, but super funny!!
Sister Foote- From Las Vegas; She studies with me and her parents are here as senior's.
Sister 'Emelio- From Tonga; Quiet not the best at english, but has a sweet soul.
Sister Laulu- From American Samoa
Sister Hemi- From New Zealand; Amazingly sweet, quiet, but is amazing to talk to when she opens up.
Sister Jensen- From Salt Lake City; She plays rugbee for BYU
Sister Peacock- From Riverton(i think); Went to BYU adn is super quiet all the time.
Sister Walton- From Texas; gave her a blessing for the sick my 2nd week
Sister Paul- From Las Vegas; sweet, but kinda ditsy and goofy haha.
Sister Reid- From well Everywhere; she moved a lot but is also going to Utah State and is the happiest person I have ever met in my life!
Sister Clark- From Utah(somewhere); Super crazy fun.

Is everyone in your district going to Bacolod?
No sister paul, walton, and jenson are going to Iloilo right north of us.

Will you be a host at "the curb" before you leave?
I can try, but it takes time out of class so I dont think I want to.
Any word on your travel visa coming in yet?
No next Friday we get our travel plans though... SO STOKED!!

What are some of the fun experiences you have had?
Every night we have like 30 minutes of downtime and we just chill, beatbox, talk about life, talk about the gospel, and just unwind.

What are some of the challenges you have had and how are you over coming them?
My Companion is such a debate kid it is not even funny. I am learning so much patients with him. I am now district leader and senior companion so that is pretty tough.

What have you learned this week from the scriptures and how can we apply it here at home?
Read Helaman 5- It showed me how powerful we as missionaries can be. I have never marked so many scriptures in one chapter in my life.

Tell us how your perspective has changed or been reinforced since you have been there.
It is Kinda of crazy here... I realize how  much prayer is important through out the whole day. I also have learned a lot about teaching people. "Teach People, Not Lessons" is a section in Preach My Gospel. I recommend trying your absolute hardest, Dad especially, to get a hold of the talk in the MTC Christmas devotinal called "Characters of Christ" by David A. Bednar. It is the most amazing thing I have ever heard in my life. If you find it watch it and show it to our ward missionaries and missionaries you see. It will change lives.

 I have a couple pictures to send you not as many as last time but they are pretty cool. I am so excited to leave and be able to just be with the world it is just amazing.

I have some requests for packages. Another pair of jeans so I can alternate, instead of all candies maybe some chips (I've been craving the twisted honey BBQ fritoes) or just something I can eat as a snack and not give me cavities, another book of stamps (just in case),  some Dr. Pepper with caffiene would be awesome, and I think that is about it. Thank you for all the packages you have sent, my zone loves the cookies and I love just everything.

I am excited to get to the field and show you some actual exciting things. Just please keep in touch. If you can please try and grab my friends and have them send me what they feel or anything about their lives. It is one of my right before bed activities to read all those and I love them so much. Dear Elder has worked very well, If you do it they print it off that day and at around 3:30 we get them.
I think that is amazing about grandma!! I am glad she is so happy and that I can help in anyway I can. Please give her and all those who have stayed in touch a big hug and kiss for me!!

I am keeping my shoes on polished and ready to go!!


Elder Minson
(Additional email)
What are the odds of having the same desk as Joey.

I have been looking everywhere for a sign of this young man. It just so happens that my language is brand new. It started in January at the MTC. So my room use to be a Tagalog room oh and look what I find under my desk. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! I am so pumped! You are alowed to cry because I almost did.

Thanks for the pics by the way it is amazing!!
We "have" been called and we understand what we must do at the lords command.

The fireworks weren't the best but my camera is da bomb!!!