This whole week has been filled with things of the spirit.
Yes, he is military and hard core strict which makes for a great Branch.
Dad: Are you studying with any senior missionaries going to your mission?
Brigham: How is the language coming along? is it getting easier? Do you think you can teach a lesson yet? What have you been working?
It is coming. I struggle with the structure a bit. I have been teaching
almost 40 minute lessons in Illongo now. Sentence structure is what i
have been focusing on.
Dad: So is the MTC gas as bad it was when I was there? How does that work out with all those sister missionaries?
Yes, but I have a good digestive system unlike the elders in my room...
Dad: What gospel principle(s) are you studying?
Commandments is the one we are focusing on now in Preach My Gospel
Dad: What chapter are you on in the Book of Mormon?
3 Nephi 16
Mom: How are you doing, Personally?
I am alright actualy better then alright I am great I have been so spiritually uplifted it is great.
Mom: Was Joey's Name under the desk in the classroom or your dorm room?
In my class they are flip up desks, old school style, I sit in it now everyday.
Dad: Have you checked the time capsule above you desk (Behind the Outlet Blank Plate)
Our building is newer and there is non everything is blocked off.
Dad: Can you print out these long emails to read later?
I can but it is alright in the laundry room.
I am glad to hear from everyone. I have been doing very well. I am spiritually enlightened. If everyone could try and figure out Brother Alex Speiser's address/facebook and send him a big thank you. I could see that man as an apostle of God one day.
I get my travel plans tomorrow. I will be leaving Monday almost for sure. I will have almost 40 hours of travel time with lay overs. I might be going into dads mission in Tokyo and spending the night if it is anything like the Cebuano Elders plans.
I have talked to Joey and he is doing well. Tell Connor I am proud of him and I am excited for him to serve a mission. I hope all of you other brothers do the same thing. A mission is important not only for yourself but the people around.
I love you all I will be sending pictures soon I am trying to get more of me but they are kinda bland haha.
I am keeping my shoes on nice and tied. Are you?
Elder Minson