Did you get to host when elder carver did? If not how did you handle the whole companionship swap thing.
I did, it was pretty cool at some points. I also had struggles because some of the new Elders were very ignorant and it just was buggy. I kinda of enjoyed the time away from my companion while doing it. I just felt super independent again.
Elder Carver is travel leader... Worry some but all I know is I take care of myself and get me there and I will be fine. The districts are spilt so they assign differant leaders.
Are there any items you still need for the philippines, tomorrow is the last day we can send them.
don't think so.. which is scary because I seriously weighed my stuff
and I have only tops 60 lbs. of stuff. So I think some good stuff my
teachers told me to get is OFF brand lotion, umbrella, and thats about
it. I don't need much more then that.
Who are some of the speakers you have had at the devotionals.
A lot of unknown people. Janice Kapp Perry was cool. The rest are of the 70 and old mission presidents. Most of the 12 are gone on vacations and other things.
A lot of unknown people. Janice Kapp Perry was cool. The rest are of the 70 and old mission presidents. Most of the 12 are gone on vacations and other things.
In detail, What were a few of the highlights of the last 5 weeks?
Just after devotionals we have reviews and we talk and we are such a close district because of it. We would all be crying by the end. I just don'y know how to explain here. My teachers are amazing every time they pull me aside for coaching I learn so much just with them around.
I understand the temple closed for cleaning just after you got there. Have you been able to make it back to the temple since the time you went through with the one sister who hadn't gotten her endowments take out yet?
Nope... makes me sad no temple for the next 2 years. Unless we go to the Quezon City opening.
Is the post office in the mtc open on saturdays?
Closed Saturday nights... so I should get the packages that morning.
Alright question time is done. I can't even begin to describe to you how excited I am to leave. I am ready to go I can't progress in the language or I forget previous stuff. Now it is just time to emerse myself in the language. I know a lot of vocabulary. Sentence structure is insanely hard because there are different things for different sentences.
I have been blessed with such great examples here in the 2 districts of Hiligaynon speaking peoples. There are only 2 Elders out of 10 sisters in the other district as well. They are really cool and we will be with them in the field.
I have no need for really anything. Just those few things above. The scripture case is amazing thank you so much. Please tell Cydney thank you so much for those cookies, and Heather and her parents for the other candy's and pencils and stuff. I really needed all of it. Now I am trying to get rid of everything! haha I am donating food to the new Elders like the previous ones did to us. I am so low on weight it is almost scary haha. It is because we did so much research and new what I "needed" instead of what I wanted.
I will be sending my gospel library home. They don't allow it in the field according to Pres. Lopez so that took some weight off. Tell grandma Minson Thank You for all she has sent to me. I loved the tie it was amazing.
Tell Tate and Tessa that I love them and am so thankful for their letters they were amazing. Please keep in touch with everyone. I am glad you have fun with Heathers family. I love all of you so much. I miss you and occasionally get depressed. I am strong though and I can keep moving forward. Don't let me stop you from doing your daily routines. I challenge you to keep with the reading and praying every morning. I also ask you to wake up with a personal prayer in the morning. It is important to start your day by asking for help in all you do, then end with prayer and be thankful for all the Lord has done. Christ is there as an example, he prayed in the Garden of Gesemine before he had to go through with his task. I know we have to follow that. Christ is the example to fall to in times of hardship. Pray, read the scriptures, and focus on the gospel they are so important. Comfort and strength will be given to the faithful. Christ will mourn with those that mourn. Times may be hard at work. It might be hard to make the right decision but Christ will ensure the right path for you in all that you do. If it was meant to be it will happen as long as you follow Christ and his Commandments.
I am so excited to give you better experiences in the field. I
will make sure to keep in touch. I will call at the airport maybe even
on someones cell phone. I have a phonecard already so it should go well. I
am not sure if I will have time in San Fran but I will try. I will for
sure in Salt Lake though. I Love you all I am greatful for everything. I
will see you soon.
Palangga ta ka
manluluwas si Jesukristo kag buhi siya kag
Kabalo ako nga palangga kita sang dios.
Sa ngalan ni JesuKristo Amen